introduction to language learning 9

 Dear Erik,

        It is the ninth blog I have written; I am glad you are still following me. Today I am going to talk about the review activity of our teaching project last week. I think the teaching of our group is a little bit difficult, so it is very important for us to help them review and make sure they actually did learn something. We use Kahoot to test their vocabularies and we also give them an activity to practice speaking and actually carry out the conversation. However, after seeing other groups’ review activities, I think our group has made some mistakes. I think our activity is too difficult. The Kahoot section should be easier; we should take into consideration that they just learn this language for one week. Moreover, I think some questions in Kahoot are irrelevant to our teaching and did not help them better learn Spanish. I also think that we can try to make our activity happier and more interesting; I think by interacting with each other or competing with other groups can enhance their learning motive. I also think group 1 did a great job in their activity section. Group one chose to teach how to use Korean to ask direction, and their activity perfectly fit their teaching. They designed a map and everyone in the class get a different map and we have to complete our map by asking others where is the hospital, park, school, etc. I think this activity is very interesting and I really did practice what I learned last week. In general, I think group one did a great job in this teaching project; they only focus on one very specific topic, and therefore we are able to actually learn it; their activity is also well designed which helped us review and practice what they have taught. After this activity section, I have learned how important difficult it is to design a review activity. I think the biggest mistake our group made in this teaching project is that we failed to put ourselves in others’ positions. We assumed that people are all able to pick up a language in a short time and therefore our whole teaching is way too difficult and focus too much on explaining the grammar while the practical usage of the language should be the main point. I think this activity is a good time for us to practice what the teacher has taught in her previous class. For example, I think we can use the fluency circle to help them practice speaking. We can put the knowledge we learn into practice! In general, I think this is a very interesting and meaningful project; I was not interested in Korean before, but now I am, thanks for this project! I not only learn how to learn a language by myself but I also learn how to teach others (I also learn two different languages!). Love this project!

That’s all, see you all next week! Happy New Year to you!
